
Julio C. Cavero, P.A. is one of Miami’s leading law firms when it comes to landlord-tenant law. With an entire department dedicated solely to the defense and prosecution of landlord and tenant matters, the team has experience, understanding, and advocacy that are second to none. We have represented both commercial and residential landlords and tenants of all sizes. We see both sides of landlord-tenant matters and act strategically to resolve them quickly and reliably.

The Landlord-Tenant Act covers relationships between a landlords and its tenant or vice-versa.  While the most common type of landlord-tenant case may deal with the non-payment of rent, there are actually many types of landlord-tenant cases. At Julio C. Cavero, P.A. we have dealt with nearly every type of landlord-tenant case imaginable, some of the more common ones are:

·      Residential Evictions

·      Commercial Evictions

·      Three day notices for non-payment of rent

·      Seven day notices for breach of contract

·      Fifteen day notices to terminate a month to month contract

·      Sixty day notices to terminate a yearly contract

·      Seven day notices to landlords for failure to maintain the premises

·      Security deposit

·      Section Eight Evictions

·      Section Eight Notices 

While these are the cost common issues, in today’s complex world it may also include property maintenance organizations, property management companies, condominium associations, and other issues related to the ongoing landlord-tenant relationship. Julio C. Cavero, P.A. is familiar with every aspect of the landlord-tenant relationship and is ready, willing and able to protect and enforce everyone’s rights. With a streamlined in-house system, our team can handle any kind of eviction procedure in Florida in as little as four weeks.

There is no landlord-tenant matter too big or too small for us. Contact us today and schedule a free consultation with one of our eviction experts. No matter where you are in Florida we are here for  all of your eviction needs.